PA System2023-12-02T05:18:58+00:00

PA System

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Certified Company ISO 14001:2015 & ISO 9001:2015

Enterprise & Industrial PA

PLANT COMMUNICATION SYSTEM (PCS) refers to a “Public Address System with Talk Back Facility” through an IP-Communication Server; this PA system helps in two-way communication for FULL DUPLEX security systems.This certified system is suitable for hazardous as well as non-hazardous areas across your entire Plant.

Inter-plant Communication Functions:

  • Communication between plant’s Central Control Room (CCR) & Field Operators.
  • Communication between different Field Operators, working in different areas within the plant.
  • For PA-GA (public address & general alarm) function. This system provides automatic broadcasting of “stored safety voice messages / alarm tones” over PA system during emergency situations like fire, industrial hazards, gas leak, accidents and other mishaps.
  • Communication between individual plants, in case of multiple & separate plant environment.
  • Communication between Public Address system and EPABX / Telephone system.
  • Communication between Mobile telephone users with Public Address System.